• (503) 333-0272 • Website • LinkedIn • GitHub
Portland, Oregon
(Contract via Future State Consulting)
Senior Software Engineer for Acorns • Portland, Oregon
Led a team of 2 other backend engineers in the design and implementation of Spend Recurring Deposits, a top-priority greenfield project now responsible for transactions totaling over $6 million per month
Abstracted the scheduling and execution of recurring transfers into a new architecture consisting of a GraphQL API and Serverless Framework-powered Lambda backend — designed to scale to millions of scheduled events and capable of managing the process for all product lines
Improved logging and visibility into a previously opaque monolith responsible for managing over 1 million IRA accounts by adding full metrics suites for GraphQL, 3rd party API performance, database performance, and batch job success rates
Represented my team on a committee responsible for directing the development of CI/CD tooling
Working knowledge of Java, Python, Bash, Ruby
Working knowledge of GraphQL, npm, Mocha, jOOQ, Maven, SBT, JUnit
Oregon State University • Corvallis, Oregon